My name is Tamer Hafez, I am from Egypt and I am from 2013-2015 master cohort. After graduating with a biology degree, I always had a passion in having a career in Marine sciences and conservation. Fortunately, this master just put me on the right path! My exciting trip of this master gave me a strong background in the different aspects of the marine environment and its resources. I got valuable knowledge in a different related fields ranging from physical, chemical and biological oceanography to environmental toxicology and eco system health. Furthermore, the different field trips throughout the master and the hands on experience in research taught me one of the most valuable tool in research: experimental design.

In addition to the academic prospective, the master mobility scheme allowed me to experience the cultural diversity of three different European countries each semester. Throughout my experience, I had wonderful memories accompanied by learning about the rich cultures and languages of the Basque Country, France and Belgium. I also loved the company of my cohort mates who were from different parts of the world. Now I have different friends everywhere!

Currently I am a PhD student in the University of the Basque Country, one of the home institutions of this master program. In general, this master gave me the suitable knowledge and basis to further pursue a PhD. My dream is that with the knowledge I have acquired from the master and PhD, I would be able to contribute to the marine science and conservation field in Egypt.