Station de Recherches Sous-Marines et Oceanographiques (STARESO) is a scientific base dedicated to research marine in the Mediterranean, located at the end of the Cape of the Revellata in Corsica (Calvi, Fr). Landed on the water, laboratory nests in a ground natural setting and unique marina by its isolation, its beauty and its preservation. The scientific tool consists of laboratories, classrooms, and a complete infrastructure of diving and port shelter. Access to the natural environment is direct initially docks or craft centre. Accommodation and catering of scientists and trainees are insured on site. In 1972, a group from the ULg research station created the station in Corsica. The choice of the site has been guided by the exceptional purity of the Corsicans waters. Underwater fauna and flora are abundant and diverse, non-existent pollution. By its insularity, the terrestrial environment of great beauty has many attractions for scientists from various disciplines. Practically invisible since offshore, the building combines its forms and colours to those of the surrounding landscape.
STARESO became a privileged interlocutor of local communities in which it offers its services: expertise and studies of impact during the construction or extension of marine works, ports, emissaries, decline in beach…). STARESO with its laboratories and housing is also a starting point for the study of the Interior of the country. STARESO welcomes student interns from around the world, and students of primary and secondary school and academic. STARESO became a privileged interlocutor of the media on many environmental issues from the regional to the global.
Regular users:
- Belgium: Université de Liège
- France: Universités de Nice et de Marseille
- USA: University of Santa Barbara (CA), Univ Maryland, Smithsonian Tropical Res Inst (Panama)
- The Netherlands: Universitet Groeningen
- Germany: Universität Essen
- Austria: Universität Wien, Universität Innsbruck
- Italy : Universitá degli Studi di Padova
Expertise: Oceanography (biology, chemistry, physics, sedimentology,…).This will offer researchers an internationally renowned research station has added a spirit of strong rooting in the region and an openness to new audiences.
Added value: STARESO collaborates with the MER consortium, providing help, expertise, and possibilities to stay at the marine station both for field courses and for MSc Thesis research activities. STARESO scientific staff will also participate in taught courses in the marine lab, as well as in partner universities, especially in the RiMER course and in modules taught in ULg.