To be awarded the MSc Degree the student must have passed successfully all courses at Grade A to E, under the ECTS scheme. Students can be awarded the MSc Degree with distinction according to the regulations of each Partner University. Considering these regulations, the JPB will propose distinctions by consensus which, once ratified by the UAB involved, will be awarded to the student.

Degree recognition

The programme is fully integrated within the accredited national degree catalogues of the HEIs partners from Programme Countries:

  • In Spain, the Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Medio Ambiente y Recursos Marinos/Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Environment and Resources (Specialisation in Marine Environment) is registered as Joint MSc of EHU, Soton, UBx and ULiège (Accreditation N. 4314431, Official Gazette BOE 33, 07/02/2014; Official Study Plan published in BOPV 82, 05/05/2014; Study Plan Update: Official Gazette BOE 192, 12/08/2019).
  • In Soton the degree awarded is also “Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Environment and Resources” and it is registered officially as “Master of Science in Marine Environment and Resources” in UK.
  • At ULiège the degree awarded will be a “Master en Océanographie, à finalité approfondie”, following the Decree of November 7, 2013 of the French Community of Belgium.
  • In France, it is registered officially as “Master Sciences de la Mer, parcours Marine Environnement and Ressources” (Reference of Accreditation: 20160659).
  • In Portugal, it is registered officially as “Meio Ambiente y Recursos Marinhos – Marine Environment and Resources”.

Type of degree awarded

  • Joint Degree: UPV/EHU, Soton, ULiège and UAc will award a Joint Degree, issued by UPV/EHU. Graduates will receive a Joint Degree from either UPV/EHU-Soton, UPV/EHU-ULiège, UPV/EHU-UAc, UPV/EHU-ULiège-Soton, UPV/EHU-ULiège-UAc or UPV/EHU-UAc-Soton depending on the study pathway. The Joint MSc Degree Diploma is issued by the Coordinating Partner University on behalf of all Partner Universities and signed by the authorised signatories of the Partner Universities delivering the Joint Degree, is granted by all Partner Universities in recognition of a single body of work and incorporates all logos and/or coat of arms of the Partner Universities. UPV/EHU, Soton, ULiège and UAc follow existing national regulations and procedures needed to officially register each graduate’s individual Degree in their respective country.
  • Double Degree: A separate parallel Diploma (Double degree) is issued by UBx for students following pathways A1 and A2.

European diploma supplement

A single common Joint European Diploma Supplement is delivered, that details the mobility path, the institutions involved and all the courses (with competences, skills and marks) followed during this mobility.

The Diploma Supplement is aimed to improve international transparency and to facilitate the academic and professional recognition of qualifications. The DS corresponds to the standard European document issued, alongside the degree certificate, to provide a detailed description of the qualification.