Research Director of CNRS (DR2) and Associate Professor of EPHE, University of Perpignan, Cedex, France. Director of USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE (CRIOBE-CBETM), Director of GDRI ‘Biodiversité des Récifs coralliens’ (CNRS), Director of IRCP ‘Institut des Récifs Coralliens du Pacifique’ (EPHE), member of the Conseil d’Administration «Grappe d’entreprise Fa’ahotu», and French scientific expert for the French delegation to ICRI International for Coral Reefs. Expert in marine ecology, coral reef ecosystem, dispersion, connectivity, evolutionary biology, genetic, molecular biology. Coordinator of 2 major European programs (BIOMEX, Fish and Chips). Participation as work-package leader in another 5 European projects (SETMORT, ECOMARE, INTERACT, SARDYN, EnviEFH, EMPAFISH) providing essential experience in managing large groups of scientists. Reviewer in numerous journals (12-15 articles/yr) and for several national and international research programs (4-6 / yr). Supervisor of 14 postdocs (2 ongoing), 16 PhD (6 ongoing), 32 Msc (6 ongoing). 12 conference-invitations, > 50 seminars and oral presentations. 117 articles (about 5.6 publications/year since 1990).