Chair Professor and Director of the School of Biological Sciences of the University of Hong Kong and Director of the Centre for Marine Environmental Research and Innovative Technology (AoE). Director of Regional Centre of Excellence in Marine Pollution (PEMSEA, United Nations). Expert in marine pollution, ecotoxicology and marine ecology. Principal investigator in several National and International research projects. Associate Editor/Advisory Board in Marine and Freshwater Research and Journal of Biological Indicators. Reviewer for numerous journals. Chief Editor of (six) Special Issues of Marine Pollution Bulletin. Winner of the «Award for Excellence» of American Association for the Advancement of Sciences. Winner of the Annual Award of the Canadian Society of Zoologists. Member of “Group of Experts on Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection” of the United Nations. Project manager of > 20 milestone consultancy projects. Reviewer of the five year strategic marine science programs, Natural Environment Research Council, UK. Scientific Advisory Panel in Environment Agency of the United Kingdom. Member of Coastal Ocean Observations Panel of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. Grant reviewers for: Australian Research Council, Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (USA), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Members of an International Review Panel, to review and advise the development of the Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme. Council member of Research Grants Council of Hong Kong Government. Council Member of Advisory Council on Food and Environmental Hygiene of the Hong Kong Government. Conducted >20 international training workshops for various United Nations agencies, International Maritime Organization and International Atomic Energy Agency Invited in 57 plenary, keynote lectures and conference papers. 202 papers in International SCI journals, 4 book chapters and 1 book.