Professor and Director of studies at EPHE, University of Perpignan, Cedex, France. Expert in Ichthyology, Biodiversity, Population dynamics and Stock management. National and International Memberships: president of Scientific Council MAB Biosphere Reserve of Fakarava, member of Scientific Council of Natural Reserve of Camargue (France) and Marine Reserve of Banyuls/Cerbère (France), member of Administration Council Pacific Coral Reef Institute, member of the Directorate of European Associated “Marine Sciences” Laboratory, member of Specialist Commission in the Universities of Perpignan and of Nouvelle Calédonie, Vice-President of International Society for Reef Studies (1994- 1997), and President of French Society of Ichthyology (1991-1994). Research collaboration with foreign countries (Mexico, Malaysia, USA, Australia, Canada). > 6 articles in the last 5 years.