Professor in Cell Biology. Director of Doctoral School Univ of the Basque Country. Director top-A research group “Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology” (UBC and Basque Government; 2001-). Expert: Cell and molecular biology, aquatic toxicology, biomarkers, histopathology, in vitro toxicology testing, endocrine disruption. PhD (UBC, 1991). Teach/Research in the Faculties of Science and Technology and Medicine and Dentristy. Research stays: U Wales, U Heidelberg, King´s College London and U California S Diego. Author: 2 textbooks, 1 book and 2 specific issues (ed.), 13 chapters, >100 articles and >200 congresses. Supervisor: 17 Lic, 1 MSc & 7 PhD Thesis + 4 PhD ongoing. Principal investigator: >23 research projects (UBC, BG, MICINN, UNESCO and EU IV, V, V and VII FP). Founding member: Iberoamerican Society of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Spanish Endocrine Disruption WG and Zebrafish Research Network (Darenet). Organization Committees (6) & Scientific Committees (13).