Head on the Marine Ecological unit (Department of Environment Science and Management ; 2005-present). Teaching: Marine Invertebrate Biology, Marine Ecology, Marine Bacteriology and Coral reef Ecology. Principal investigator: FNRS «Act Concert», MAST, ARC. Academic coordinator of Erasmus/Socrates «Life Sci» (1995-present) + «Biology-Biotechnology-Environment» relations with UC Ecuador and Amazonia U (Brazil). National and regional expert for ecological risk assessment (coastal zones in Mediterranean regions), SEM, Systems and taxonomy (non-insect arthropods), CITES import-export rules (marine invertebrates). > 100) missions in Marine Stations: Stareso, Roscoff & Wimereux, Tulear (Madagascar), CRIOBE (Fr Polynesia). International Visitor in Geochemistry at UCLA (LA) and Scripps (SIO, SD, CA, USA). Supervisor:>35 BSc/MSc and 3(+4 ongoing) PhD thesis. >40 Congresses, >90 abstracts, >150 articles + book chapters+1 textbook.