Professor in Cell Biology. Vice-Dean in Academic Exchange, Students affairs and Basque Language in the Faculty of Science and Technology. Expertise: Metal bioaccumulation and toxicology in molluscs and fishes + Histology and histopathology. European PhD (U Basque Country). Pre- and post-doc studies at U Wales (Aberystwyth), U Innsbruck, & U Cardiff. Supervised 7 Licenciature, 3 MSc & 3 PhD Thesis + 3 PhD ongoing. >50 articles and book chapters, 1 textbook, >100 international conferences. >20 projects (researcher) + 2 projects (Principal investigator) Spanish MICINN. Reference: >15 journals + Spanish and Argentinean Research Agencies. Founding Council and Board member Iberoamerican Society of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (SICTA). Editor of SICTA-Newsletters and SICTA-webpage. Responsible of Expert Aquarium (Faculty of Science and Technology).