Associate Professor. Responsible of 1 Master and BSc (1st year) teaching units. Coordinator of MER UB. Scientific leader of national and regional projects (ANR EEL-scope, etc.) and of 14 oceanographic sampling campaigns. Distinction: Umweltpreis der Sparkasse Karlsruhe (1999). Permanent Invited Professor at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Member of the pedagogic working groups Socrates/Erasmus and European Master MER. Since 2002: Regular Teaching Mobility European scale (Environmental Geochemistry): GER, ES, POR, UK. Supervision: 7 PhD (+4 ongoing), 6 post-doc, 20 MSc; 32 stud res fellows. Expert adv: National Research Program ACI-ECCO, ACI « Jeunes Chercheurs », Région Rhône-Alpes, etc. Ed Board Member “Environmental Science and Pollution Research”. >50 articles, >108 abstracts, 29 invitation to conferences, >31 reports.