Head of Research Unit “Biogeochemistry and Ecotoxicology” of IFREMER, France (2007-present). Expertise in marine analytical chemistry, contaminants, oceanography. The main activities and responsibilities included running/managing a 35 person division of Ifremer human and financial resources, liaison with regional an national funding research bodies: development of departmental scientific activities and the management of a “mussel-watch” programme which observes the chemical contamination status and trends of the French coastal environment. Membership of professional bodies European Geophysical Union, American Society of limnology and Oceanography, American Geophysical Union. Supervisor of graduates and (numerous) internals. Member of the French Environmental Alliance (AllEnvi) Work Group on natural and anthropogenic risk. Took part in the management of 5 research projects, at regional, national and EU levels. Co-authored 25 peer-reviewed articles and 3 book chapters.