Professor in Cell Biology. Director of Plentzia Marine Station. Head of the Department of Zoology and Animal Cell Biology (00-03 and 06-09). Principal investigator in >15 projects/contracts (European, National, Regional). >100 articles and book chapters, 2 textbooks, >200 congresses. Coordinator of UPV/EHU of Erasmus/Socrates network on «Environmental Science and Education» (89-). Director of Doctoral Programme “Biologia Ambiental y calidad vida” (98-present); “Contaminación y Toxicología Ambientales” (05-present), and “Marine Environment and Resources” (09-) and International Course “Socrates European Class 2003” on “Environ Resour in a European context”. Biology Curriculum Board member (01-03) and new “Biology” and “Biotechnology» Bologna Curriculums Boards member (08-10). Coordinator “MSc Contaminación y Toxicología Ambientales” and “European MSc Marine Environmental Resources” (Quality Award MEC, 05-present). Committee Science Coordinator for “Accident Marine Spills” MICINN (03-07) and “Prestige” Science Committee -Basque Government (02-04). Founding Council President of the Sociedad Ibérica Contaminación y Toxicología Ambientales (SICTA, 98).