Genetic Toxicologist in CEFAS, Weymouth (1997 – Present). Head of the Environment and Animal Health group at the Cefas Weymouth laboratory. Project management responsibilities include planning, guiding and conducting of biological effects studies in the aquatic environment. Expert in development of new biological effects techniques, biomarkers, chronic and acute bioassays, and their application to National and International monitoring programs. Project sponsor to a number of contracts relating to ecotoxicology and environmental contaminant monitoring. Advisor to Defra and other bodies such as EA, industry and working groups of OSPAR, PARCOM and ICES on the use and application of biological effects techniques and the interpretation of data. Represent CEFAS at National and International scientific meetings (e.g. ICES Working Group on the Biological Effects of Contaminants, WGBEC and Clean Seas Environmental Monitoring Programme, AQC committee). Guest Editor for the journal Marine Environmental Research. 36 articles and 5 book chapters.