Address: Calle 7, nº 776
Country: Argentina
City: La Plata

Background and Experience

The National University of La Plata is a public institution for Higher Education. In 1905, the National Act for its creation was sanctioned emphasizing research, university extension and the need of a primary and secondary education. Based on reformist principles, this University is a free, public, open, non-religious and autonomous institution, co-governed by the University Assembly, the University Council and the President. Due to its size and antiquity, it occupies the 3rd place among the universities of the country and it is the most important one in the Province of Buenos Aires. However, because of its wide range of education offerings and its research, transference, extension and social integration activities, it is one of the most complex ones in Latin America. The city of La Plata is situated only 56 km southeast of Buenos Aires. Nowadays, the UNLP has 17 Faculties with 105.000 undergraduate and 9.900 posgraduate students enrolled, 12.800 teaching staff and 3.000 administrative personnel. The UNLP curricula includes a wide range of thematic fields from the exact sciences to social sciences and arts (116 undergraduate programs -153 degrees- and 188 graduate programs). Five pre-university studies Schools with approximately 5.000 students are also part of UNLP. The University also has 156 R&D Centers with about 4.800 researchers carrying out their research work as well as a Museum of Natural Science, an Observatory, an AM-FM Radio, a Public Library, and a Center for Genomic Studies.