Address: Hafnarstétt 3
Country: Iceland
City: Húsavík

Background and Experience

The University of Iceland´s Research Center in Húsavík focus on research about marine mammals and tourism. Húsavík is located in northeast of Iceland and is called the whale watching capital of Europe. Currently four whale watching companies are operating from there and more than 90.000 tourists go whale watching from Húsavík every year. The University of Iceland´s Research Center in Húsavík offers a ten day marine mammal field course every summer, where 20 to 25 students from all over the world participate. The lectures are held at the Húsavík whale museum, where real size skeletons of different species of marine mammals can be seen and since 2016 also a blue whale skeleton. The University of Iceland´s Research Center in Húsavík also offers facilities for internships for students or students doing field work for their bachelor, master or Ph.D. thesis from all around the world. The students stay in a student house, they get office space and the whale watching boats are used as a platform for data collection.