Address: Via Sestri 7/1
City: Genova
Country: France

Background and Experience

ETT is an Italian ICT ad creative industry (SME); it was established in 2000 and with a turnover of ocer EUR 11 million in 2015, ETT currently employs moer than 100 workers. ETT develops and manages ICT projects, web portals, mobile apps, databases, web GIS applications and information systems. One field of specialization is the marina and ocean data information systems.

ETT is coordinating EMODnet Physisc lot and participates to a series of national and EU projects in the field of oceanography and marine data management (SCHeMa project on FP7 Ocean of Tomorrow; JERICO-NEXT on H2020; AtlantOS on H20202 BG8). ETT is in charge for the EMODnet Baltic Sea Check Point portal and for the INCREASE CMEMS Service Evolution project data management infrastructure and interoperability.

Since 2003, ETT is ISO9001:2008 certified for planning, development and maintenance activities of software services, sotware instruments, database and planning, development and maintenance activities of web-base systems. ETT is aldo ISO9001:2008 certidied for formation activities management.