The majority of the MER MSC students carry out the research for their MSc Thesis in a third institution, both in Europe and overseas. This has been achieved through bilateral agreements between the institutions involved and UPV/EHU.
These opportunities are used to establish links for collaboration, in relation to staff exchange and scholars and students’ mobility; in order to maintain academic standards.
The MER JPB may also accept a proposal made individually by a student, provided the proposed supervisor and host institution accept and always in compliance with the academic requirements of the Joint MER MSc programme.
The MER Secretariat provides administrative support to formalize the required agreements with host institutions when the supervisors are from institutions other than the MER Consortium:
- Individual Memorandum of Understanding (MoU template (DOC))
- AZTI-Tecnalia Agreement (Annex (DOC))
- IEO Agreement (Annex)
If you have a proposal, please contact the MER Secretariat by email: