An LCA study considering the taxiway and runway expansion of Macedonia Airport in Thessaloniki, Greece, using GEMIS 4.5 tool

Supervisor: Yannis K. Krestenitis (University of Thessaloniki)
The new runway and taxiway “10-28” extension of “Makedonia” International Airport of Thessaloniki in Greece has increase peoples’ concern about the environmental impacts during its construction and operation. Thus, we tried to compose a Life Cycle Assessment during its construction process. We focused on the transport procedure of the building materials (sand and gravel) from the extraction area (Litochoro) to the airport area. To do that, we used GEMIS software. With that program, we can obtain results about the environmental impact terms of greenhouse gas and airborne emissions. Since it was difficult to collect all the data we needed, we created extraction and transport procedures using the default settings of the program. Then, we created scenarios to demonstrate the usefulness of the program and show the importance of taking right decisions concerning the environment.