

  • ERASMUS MUNDUS APPLICANTS: Deadline for applications to EM Student scholarships is January 13th, 2017. Publication of pre-selection results (not definitive) is available on the on-line application in early March 2017. Communication of results to selected candidates by the Erasmus Mundus Agency will be in May 2017.
  • STUDENTS WITHOUT ERASMUS MUNDUS SCHOLARSHIP:Deadline for regular (non-EM) applications is June 16th, 2017. Earlier applications are highly recommended. For instance, only applications before early June may be eligible for EHU Mobility grants. Moreover, for students starting Semester 1 in UBx, accommodation can be only guaranteed for applications received before June 9th. Later applicants will be responsible for getting accommodation themselves in UBx or shall start Semester 1 in SOTON in late September and follow Semester 3 (2018-2019) in ULg.

2) 2017-2018 COURSE OPENING: Early September 2017 in UBx (Pathways A1 & A2) and in Late September 2017 in SOTON (Pathway B).

3) ERASMUS MUNDUS SCHOLARSHIPS FOR RESEARCHERS/TEACHERS 2017-2018: EM Scholarships for researcher/teacher will be awarded to European and Third-Country scholars (Funding).

4) MASTER THESIS 2016-2017: The list of MER MSc Thesis research topics for MER MSc students 15-17 is open. Details in the MSc THESIS section. Vivas will be held in the Center for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology (Plentzia Marine Station; PIE-UPV/EHU) in September 7th-8th.

5) INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE COURSES 2016-2017: The IPC 2016-17 programme is directed to Master students, doctoral candidates and professionals aimed at becoming specialized or updated in different fields. All lectures will be held in English. Participants will receive a certificate with indication of lectures and practicals attended.

  • Research in Marine Environment and Resources – RiMER 2017 (Part 1) Jan 30 – Feb 3, Aquarium SS, Donostia-San Sebastian.
  • Histology & Histopathology of Aquatic Animals, Plentzia Marine Station, Plentzia.
  • Research in Marine Environment and Resources – RiMER 2017 (Part 2) June 19-23, Plentzia Marine Station, Plentzia.