The Joint Programme is recognised by the 4 partner universities; however, the students will be officially registered as regular students only in all the MER Consortium partner universities (at least 3) through which his/her individually tailored programme is followed (depending on the selected pathway); these latter ones will be degree the awarding HEIs for this individual student.

IMPORTANT: Applicants will be enrolled only when they:

  • have obtained the necessary visas, permits and insurance policies (MER Consortium Secretariat will assist with these procedures and partner institutions will provide assistance through their International Offices);
  • have presented the originals (or officialised copies) of the required documents; and
  • have paid the participation costs to the MER Consortium according to the Student Agreement stipulations, as detailed in the Student Agreement Draft (SAD) accepted by the applicant when the on-line application is submitted.

Then, the MER Consortium Secretariat will be responsible for directly paying tuition fees, insurance and all the other participation costs to the corresponding partner universities.

However, in order to comply with local regulations, students may be asked to follow administrative procedures and to present again the originals (or officialised copies) of the required documents in all the university partners in which he/she will be registered. This should not suppose additional payments because participation costs are already paid to the MER Consortium Secretariat.