UPV/EHU incorporates 30 Faculties and University Schools (50.000 students), located at the campuses of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. UPV/EHU is a modern and active University, in constant change, which has developed to become one of the most important universities in Spain, in terms of: the degrees it offers (supply); its students (demand); and its quality (process). The Faculty of Science and Technology offers 9 scientific-technological degrees: Biology; Physics; Geology, Mathematics; Chemistry; Electronic Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Biochemistry; and Biotechnology.
The Department of Zoology and Animal Cell Biology (ZACB) has extensive experience in the assessment of the impact of pollution on the health of marine organisms and ecosystems. Intensive studies undertaken in this field, over the last 15 years, include participation in several environmental monitoring programmes funded by national and international organisations. Experience is available also in assessing histopathology and the general condition of digestive and reproductive tissues of marine molluscs and fishes. ZACB collaborates with other departments (Plant Biology & Ecology; and Genetics, Anthropology & Animal Physiology) in research into the conservation of biodiversity and marine bioresources. Other environmental aspects are covered by expert research groups, integrated within the Chemistry and Geology sections. Active collaboration in assessing marine ecosystem health has provided a useful advance in developing an integrative and competitive research staff, with international reputations. Intimately linked to the research activities, staff are involved in postgraduate teaching, in the field of environmental biology.
During the last decade, PhD programmes have been devoted to: Environmental Biology and Life Quality; Environment & Life Sciences; and, lately Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Within these programmes the marine environment has been a pivotal aspect in the formation of postgraduates and PhD. Excellent facilities and strategic support are available, which ensure the formation of postgraduate and doctoral candidates, in marine environment and resources.
In 2011 the UPV/EHU in conjunction with Tecnalia Corporación Tecnológica and the Donostia internacional Physics Center (DIPC) has been awarded with the International Campus of Excellence by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation. One of the principal objectives of Euskampus is international visibility and recognition. In other words, to be an international benchmark for education, research and knowledge transfer and in the execution of its activities in a manner that is socially responsible. One of the main objectives of the Excellence Campus (Sustainable ecosystems and environmental technology) is supported by the Station in Marine Biology and Biotechnology (PIE, UPV/EHU) in relation with the sustainable management of resources.
- Expertise: Ecotoxicology, Biomarkers, Environ Proteomics, ecosystem health and pollution monitoring, environmental analytical chemistry.
- Instruction language: English (MSc Thesis also in Spanish or Basque). Language courses: Spanish, Basque.
- Special facilities: Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology (Plentziako Itsas Estazioa; PIE-UPV/EHU).
- Third-country main connections: Iberoamerica, USA