Address: Víctor Lamas 1290, Barrio Universitario
Country: Chile
City: Concepción

Background and Experience

The Universidad de Concepción is a private corporation established in 1919 as a result of an initiative from the local community. It was the third university established in the country and the first one outside the capital city and has become a cultural heritage of the city of Concepción. It is humanistic, democratic, and nonprofit institution, created by the community of Concepción City as a Private Law Corporation. It is a research university. It has a regional and national roots and an important international projection. Recently, UDEC was accredited for 7 years, the top time in Chilean System of Educational Quality. UDEC is one of the three best Universities of Chile, and has the thirteen position at Latin America 2016 QS Ranging. In respect of General Setting of the UdeC, It has: Full-time faculties: 1.332. Total Budget: US$ 141 Millions. Staff: 1.500. Building facilities: 230.000 m2. Libraries: 10 (440.000 books). Sport facilities: football, basketball, tennis and others. Student houses: 5. UDEC Mission is: To transmit knowledge through continuous formation of graduates and professionals in the different levels of the university education. Generate new know-how through basic and applied research. Knowledge and innovative techniques transfer to the enterprises through technological projects. Research dissemination through specialized publications and other media. Culture dissemination to the community UDEC Vision is to be a national and international leader institution in the creation and knowledge transfer and human resources building for supporting the region and country development. The educational model of UDEC is structured in different levels, where each level is characterized by: continuing education, highly pertinent, quality, mobility and flexibility, integrating information and communication technologies. UDEC general principles are: To offer academic programs and services which respond to the country`s demand. To offer high quality programs which respond to cultural, social and economic changes. The student as the center piece of the university doing. To keep the strength of the mainstream discipline and to foster new and less developed ones. In terms of undergraduate and vocational training, the UDEC has 90 professional careers; 23.130 students at undergraduate level; 4.750 freshmen; 7.000 entitles or qualifies, 6.5 applications for each student’s vacancies. Strengthen basic and applied sciences.

UDEC relevant areas are: Development and economic growth. Social and human development. Cultural and art development. Regionalization and modernization of the state. Capacity and efficiency improvement on university processes and management. Build up capacity on new emerging themes: new energy sources, Asia and Oriental Studies, Latin American Studies, valuation of human capital.

Related to research UDEC has 11 Advanced Research Centers: Eula Center on Environmental Research, CIPA Center on Polymers Research, COPAS Center on Oceanographic Research, GEA that is an Institute of Economic Applied Geology, Biotechnology Center, Center of Optics and Fotonica, CI2MA Center of Research in Mathematical Engineering, IncubaUdec a Business Incubator, UDT on Technological Development, and, CIEP a Center for the Aquatic Ecosystems of Patagonia. In addition, anually, the UDEC produces 455 ISI publications, 545 Research Projects, 87 Research Groups, 77 Patents (Request Files). On graduated studies, UDEC has: 24 PhD programs, 54 Master Degree programs, 40 Diploma programs, 30 Health specialists training programs, 1.637 PhD students, 1.010 Master students and 110 foreign students.